All the works, research and explorations carried out by PI RAMBLA HERITAGE FOUNDATION have as its main objective the advancement of historical and scientific knowledge of ancient civilizations, covering the most unknown aspects of our past for the rescue of our lost Universal Cultural Heritage


Much of the world's cultural and historical heritage remains little known, receives little protection, and is at risk of being erased, impoverished, and distorted, thereby affecting our understanding of true human history and its chance of being recorded.

Our goal is to understand and disseminate this valuable legacy, the result of collaboration between its founder and scientists from leading universities and research centers worldwide.





We proactively seek and support organizations with strong leadership, that operate in a cost-effective, collaborative, scientifically sound and ethical manner, and that share our ambitions.

We fund operational costs, existing projects or develop partnerships to create new schemes. We build long-term relationships with our grant recipients. We replicate and expand successful projects and award repeat grants to continue outstanding work.



History · Archaeology · Ancient Civilizations

Archaeoastronomy · Teledetection · Lidar

Anthropology · Science in early Cultures

Environment Sciences · Wildlife Preservation


Multidisciplinary Team

All the collaborators of Pi Rambla Heritage Foundation. are experts in different disciplines: history, philosophy, archaeology, underwater archaeology, anthropology, ancient architecture, archaeoastronomy, exploration and expeditions, remote sensing systems, filming, post-production, and preservation of wildlife and their natural habitats.

We collaborate with the top scientists from leading universities and research centers around the world.